Eravamo pronti a respingere l’attacco. Alle 5 gli umani ci accerchiarono.
We were ready to repel the attack. At 5 o’clock the humans surrounded us.
I veri, i soli veri pensatori, gli uomini di ardente immaginazione!
Eravamo pronti a respingere l’attacco. Alle 5 gli umani ci accerchiarono.
We were ready to repel the attack. At 5 o’clock the humans surrounded us.
Ci dissero che l’esplosione era stata contenuta, ma non considerarono il fiume sotterraneo.
They told us that the explosion had been contained, but they did not consider the underground river.
Il segnale pervase ogni schermo cambiando le regole per sempre.
The digital signal pervaded every screen changing the rules forever.
L’uomo allo specchio cercò di riconoscermi.
The man in the mirror tried to recognize me.
Umiliato e dilaniato il mostro, il posto era vacante.
After having humiliated and shredded the monster, there was a job opening.
Un uomo entra in un caffè dopo aver scalato la tazzina utilizzando il cucchiaino lasciato incustodito ed appoggiato al bordo del raffinato e piccolo recipiente di porcellana. Data la sua lillipuziana statura, nessuno ne aveva notato la presenza e nessuno ne avrebbe indovinato le intenzioni.
Il clone di Gary pianse, seppur senza lacrime, non voleva morire.
Gary’s clone cried, though without tears, he didn’t want to die.
Troppo intento a cercare la preda, mi resi conto, guardando gli altri, di essere l’unico disarmato.
Too busy looking for the prey, I realized, looking at the others, that I was the only one unarmed.
Il cancello era aperto, ma io non ricordavo alcuna recinzione.
The gate was open, but I didn’t remember any fence.
We are in 1960: a fundamental year for the growing earthly dream of reaching Mars, a destination for conquest, the new frontier of science and the cradle of a good part of science fiction literature. Maybe the desire for exploration was born only to remove the doubts about the existence of the dreaded Martian spaceships of which Orson Welles, in his famous show of 1938, told the landing in New Jersey, reinterpreting to the radio “The War of the Worlds” by Herbert George Wells.
But how far is Mars from the Earth and how long does it take to get there?